Update/Add New Credit Card via the Portal


Please see the document entitled “Self Service of Credit Cards on the Portals” in the Attachment section below for visual step by step screen shots.

There are two ways to add or update your credit card: Log in as the primary contact and update using the Customer Portal or the Partner Portal.

Sect I. To add a new card via the Customer Portal (For Customers Only):

  1. Login as the primary contact.
  2. Select My account from the top menu, then add a new card from the drop-down menu. Note: If a message appears referencing no access, then you are not logged in as the primary contact.
  3. Enter required information in following fields:
    • Card Number:
    • Card Type:
    • Card Holder
    • Expiry Date:
  1. Click Submit
    • First message box will read: The card is being validated before saving. (Window will close automatically.)
    • Second message box will read: The card has been successfully saved. Please close this window.
  2. Click the red X in the upper right-hand corner to close window
To update the expiration date on an existing card:
  1. Login as the primary contact
  2. Select My account from the top menu
  3. Select Payment details to update expiry code. (Click Edit beside the card you wish to update)
  4. Update expiration dates in Expiration Month / Year fields
  5. Click Submit
    • Message box will appear at bottom of screen: The expiration date on the card has been successfully updated
  1. Log out of the Customer Portal

Sect. II To add a new card via the Partner Portal (For Partners Only):

  1. Login as the primary contact.
  2. Select Account Management from the side navigation menu, then add new card from the drop-down menu. Note: If a message appears referencing no access, then you are not logged in as the primary contact.
  3. Enter required information in following fields:
    • Card Number:
    • Card Type:
    • Card Holder
    • Expiry Date:
  1. Click Submit
    • First message box will read: The card is being validated before saving. (Window will close automatically.)
    • Second message box will read: The card has been successfully saved. Please close this window.
  2. Click the red X in the upper right-hand corner to close window
To update the expiration date on an existing card:
  1. Login as the primary contact
  2. Select Account Management from the side navigation menu
  3. Select Update my Cards to update expiry code. (Click Edit beside the card you wish to update)
  4. Update expiration dates in Expiration Month / Year fields
  5. Click Submit
    • Message box will appear at bottom of screen: The expiration date on the card has been successfully updated
  6. Log out of the Partner Portal